Adult Orthodontics

Orthodontic Treatment

Desert Oasis Dental is home to the most effective clear braces Albuquerque has to offer. Dr. Tran uses advanced 3D imaging to analyze each patient’s unique dental alignment to create custom aligners that deliver stunning results.  

Our team believes that patients of all ages deserve to have healthy, straight teeth. But for many, the thought of getting traditional braces as an adult seems like a nightmare. Luckily, clear aligners are quickly revolutionizing the world of orthodontics.

Why should I get orthodontic treatment as an adult?

Crooked teeth affect the appearance of patients’ smiles, but did you know that misaligned teeth make finding employment more difficult? The American Dental Association found that nearly 30% of millennials believe that the appearance of their teeth is keeping them from getting employment for which they are qualified.

But, having crooked teeth doesn’t just influence patients’ ability to get a good job–it hinders their ability to find a suitable partner, too. A study found that nearly 40% of Americans are unwilling to pursue a second date with someone they believe had bad teeth. 

Furthermore, misaligned teeth can cause bite issues and temporomandibular joint pain. And, as if that weren’t enough, crooked teeth are harder to keep clean, wear down faster, and are more likely to chip or crack.

Adult orthodontics can help patients secure better jobs, find an ideal partner, and obtain better oral and overall health. So, clear braces aren’t just an investment in your appearance–they are an investment in your future.

Do clear aligners work for adults?

Yes! Clear aligners were created with teens and adults in mind.

Although clear aligners are an effective way to straighten an adult patient’s teeth, treatment may take slightly longer compared to children’s treatments. This is because our bones get less flexible as we get older, so moving teeth into proper alignment takes a little longer. However, adult patients will still get the same dazzling results!

How long will it take to get straight teeth with clear aligners?

Some patients with mild misalignments can get straight teeth in as few as six months. However, patients with more complex misalignments may require 10 to 18 months of treatment to get a noticeably straighter smile. 

Patients must wear their clear aligners for the prescribed 20 to 22 hours every day. Otherwise, they may add weeks or months onto their treatment timeline.

Some of my teeth have crowns–can I still get adult orthodontic treatment?

Absolutely! Dental professionals use durable materials to create dental crowns, and an extremely strong dental cement keeps them securely in place. The pressure that clear aligners put on teeth is not enough to damage or displace a dental crown.

Want clear aligners? Desert Oasis Dental can help!

If you’re ready to talk about orthodontic treatment and clear aligners in place of braces, then schedule a consultation with the talented team at Desert Oasis Dental today. New and existing patients can call our Albuquerque office at 505.821.8726.